Introduction to Faculty Members

Faculty Heads : Wee Yip & Yi MingLogistics I/C : Wensy & CadenceDance I/C : Isabelle & ShaunPublicity I/C : Jun Ying, Bryan Neo & GladysActivities I/C : Yi Shu, Hao Yang, Melissa & YvetteSports I/C : Justin & Wei Chern

Faculty Heads : Wee Yip & Yi Ming

Logistics I/C : Wensy & Cadence

Dance I/C : Isabelle & Shaun

Publicity I/C : Jun Ying, Bryan Neo & Gladys

Activities I/C : Yi Shu, Hao Yang, Melissa & Yvette

Sports I/C : Justin & Wei Chern

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Significance of Faculty’s Character - The Wolf

Are you ready to inhale this

Rendering into the year filled with uncertainties

Together we will create and explore

Exciting opportunities and puzzles

Mapping our JC journey with memories

Into one that is vibrant and colourful as we

Sail bravely into the unknown

Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt. In Hwa Chong, it is represented by the wolf. The night can be uncertain and challenging, yet the wolves embrace the spirit of solidarity in the face of adversity, guided by Artemis. We wish for students to be brave in their pursuits, chartering new paths as they support one another through the various challenges in their JC lives. Just as wolves never leave the pack, so will Artemis students always stand in solidarity and rise to the challenges of each new day.


Faculty Cheers

  1. Artemis Chant

Call: Who are we are we are we?

Respond: Cool Blue Sexy Artemis

(Repeat 3 times)

A simple yet resonant cheer that reinforces the sense of pride amongst fellow Artemesians. The call-and-response format also makes for a more engaging and energetic cheer to hype students up.


2. Who’s hard to miss

Who’s hard to miss? 

‘Cause we are Artemis!

That’s who we are,

Cool blue sexy ya!

Short and succinct, complimented its strong rhythmic nature in tune to Queen’s “We will rock you”. Students will follow a stomp-stomp-clap rhythm by stomping their feet and clapping their hands throughout the cheer, making for a dynamic and lively cheer that gets the student's adrenaline pumping.

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*Disclaimer: Most of these events did not take place in 2020 due to safe-distancing measures

  1. Orientation

Orientation marks the induction of a new batch of C1 students into Hwa Chong, fresh with hopes for a brave new adventure. Throughout orientation, the freshmen batch will engage in a diversity of activities with fellow students in their orientation groups, fostering new friendships as they adapt to the new and exciting Hwa Chong environment. <hallmark events include… but covid>

2. Faculty CIP 

Faculty CIP is yet another event students can look forward to. During FCIP, students will have the opportunity to spend meaningful time with their peers as they collectively embark on activities to serve the community. This reiterates the importance of service amongst faculty members, and grants students the opportunity to do so via a fun and interactive fashion.

3. Faculty Outing

Faculty Outing is an event where students get to embrace their youthful energies as they indulge in stunning performances and jam to great music in a night packed full of exciting games and activities. Due to uncertainties posed by the covid situation, the faculty committee assures you that we will adapt the event to the best of our ability to provide you with a fun yet safe environment to enjoy!

4. Faculty Brunch

Faculty Brunch is an annual event where all faculty members get the chance to come together over lunch and enjoy an exciting slew of performances and activities. In light of Covid-19, this year’s faculty brunch will have to be held online and in individual classes. Nevertheless, students can cheer fellow faculty members on in their thrilling performances, and participate in our exciting new class challenge. Stay tuned for more!

5. Festival of Sports

The festival of sports provides a platform for students to showcase their sporting talents and challenge rival faculties to emerge champion in our variety of sports competitions. It is a timely respite from the harsh rigour of JC life, providing students with the opportunity to try something new and have fun with their fellow classmates. May the strongest pack win.


Do look out for new content on our Instagram page, where the Linktree in our bio will lead you to our various initiatives!








